
The words of Dr. Cabrera


A visit with Dr. Cabrera


(this material is an excerpt from the book "The Message of the Stones", by Dr. Javier Cabrera)




To attain the goal of their existence, - the development of intellectual power (cognitive energy) to increase and preservation of knowledge - the gliptolithic humanity also used the technique of implanting knowledge by inserting molecular sets of nucleic acids and proteins in the cerebral cortex, to make up the physical base of knowledge. In addition, they also modified the organic structure by altering the embriogenetic system that is responsible for the formation and function of the organs of the body. In the first instance cognitive codes that increased the level of knowledge, and therefore the cognitive rank of the individual, were isolated. In the second case, by altering a genetic marker in the organism of the individual, it was possible to make him more predisposed to the understanding and preservation of knowledge. I have found this implantation of knowledge represented symbolically in a gliptolith, and the modification of the organic structure is represented symbolically on a heavy weather cape (Manto de Paracas).


The gliptolith that contains this information is symbolic form is approximately seventy-five centimeters at its widest point, dark in color and engraved using the deep scoring method.

The information is presented in a scene that is shown on both sides of the gliptolith. On one side we can see an individual on an operating table (3 in Fig. 85A), having two operations at the same time: the transplant of the suprarenal gland is being performed by one surgeon, and the another surgeon is manipulating some cerebral hemispheres (5 in Fig. 85A) that are touching the cerebral hemispheres of the individual. It is understood that the transplant of the suprarenal gland, as has been mentioned in the chapter on gliptolithic medicine, had the purpose of avoiding the possibility of a rejection of the organ that was subsequently to be transplanted. The present scene could be interpreted to show the transplant of cerebral hemispheres in the cranial cavity of the individual, close to his own brain. However, a distinct part of the scene discounts this possibility: the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres appear to be continuous in such a way as to seem to be part of one brain mass. This indicates that certain fluid parts of another brain are being transferred into the brain of this individual; that is, knowledge (cognitive codes) are being transferred. I think the scene could well be a symbol that indicates that the implantation of cognitive codes was not performed in the manner shown in the scene, that is, with cerebral hemispheres other than those of the individual, but rather through the artificial implantation of the cognitive codes, previously synthesized by the gliptolithic scientists.

FIGURE 85A: Implantation of cognitive codes (knowledge).

It is interesting to note that under the operating table there is a figure that is square in shape (6 in Fig. 85A), from which two ducts flow out containing small nozzles (7 in Fig. 85A). The ducts are connected, through the wrists of the individual, to the radial arterial-venous system. The square figure would be a part of that system of electronic apparati that I described in dealing with surgical procedures (Chapter V) and whose function was to incorporate, through the circulatory system of the individual, that unknown liquid that, when taken by the bloodstream to the two pairs of cerebral hemispheres, would make it possible to over set the molecular structures of nucleic acids and proteins (cognitive codes) to the cerebral hemispheres of the receptor. This is true, of course, only if the transfer of cognitive codes took place from cerebral hemisphere to cerebral hemisphere. But if another interpretation that I have offered is considered, that the presence of other cerebral hemispheres could well be only a symbol indicating that the cognitive codes to be implanted were previously synthesized, the unknown liquid would have the same function as in the previous case, that is, to introduce the new cognitive codes into the bloodstream so that they could reach the brain. In both cases an electromagnetic field was created that acted on a molecular level to allow the incorporation of the codes. The presence of the electromagnetic field is symbolically represented in this scene by a ring that surrounds the individuals body and the operating table at the level of the feet. It is understood that the operating table was not only an object to hold up the patients but was also part of that complex of electronic apparati that was used by the gliptolithic surgeons for surgical interventions. The electromagnetic field that is created must have had the function of orienting the incorporation of the molecular structures of proteins and nucleic acids into the cerebral hemispheres of the receptor.

That the operation has been successful is expressed in a bunch of lines that emanate from the eye of the patient. This indicates an increase in visual power and is the symbol with which the increase in cognitive ability is indicated.

On the other side of the gliptolith the heads of the two surgeons can be seen (Fig. 85B). The one who is transplanting the suprarenal gland has a small round eye (2 in Fig 85B), while the surgeon dealing with the brain has a large and oval eye (1 in Fig. 85B). This difference is a symbol that establishes differences in cognitive hierarchy, and thus indicates that the surgeon that is manipulating the brain is on a higher cognitive plain than the other surgeon. The bunch of lines that emanate from the eye of the patient indicate that he has acquired through the operation a higher cognitive level than either of the surgeons.

FIGURE 85B: Implantation of cognitive codes. A surgeon transplants the suprarenal-kidney complex, in order to
avoid the rejecting process; mean while the other surgeon works on the brain hemisphere of a different cerebrum.

Until recently it was widely believed that knowledge could only be achieved through the complicated process of reflection that the mind goes through, either to understand the information provided by everyday experiences, or to gain information indirectly through references to knowledge that are acquired by man. The process of acquiring knowledge without reflection has not been speculated upon. This is the message that the gliptolith I have just interpreted sends us.

Electrophysiological research by contemporary scientists has revealed that the brain is an extraordinary "square" criss-crossed in all directions by innumerable fulmineous electronic impulses. However, this research has not been able to render precise information about the electric activity of the brain.

The idea that this cerebral activity is accompanied by a chemical activity has recently led to research in this area. It has been found that in the glial cells - that approximately ten in number, cluster around the nerve cells or neurons like satellites - proteins are synthesized at a rate that is not equal to any other cell of a human organ. At the same time that this protein synthetic activity is taking place it has been proven that there is also a high rate of enzymatic activity in the glial cells. (The enzymes are very complex molecules that facilitate chemical reactions to form molecules or to split them) and a high level of ribonucleic acid (more than ten percent of the quantity of ribonucleic acid than is found in the neurons). It is known that this acid regulates the synthesis of proteins and that there are different types of proteins. It is thus thought that the storage and information in the brain of the individual takes place through the production of certain types of proteins that are produced through the transformations that result from the effects of electronic impulses on the ribonucleic acid in the nerve cells. This means that the nerve impulse reaches that reaches the neuron in order to store information as a result of indirect or direct experience is transmitted to the glial cells where the ribonucleic acid through certain structural transformations of its components (nitrogen-based: adonine, sytosine, guanine and uracile; pentose; and ribose; and phosphoric acid), synthesizes a protein in order to store the information in code. It can be said that this protein thus produced is the biochemical structure in which the corresponding knowledge of experience that led to the nervous impulse is registered. All this is a result of research by the Swedish scientist H. Hayden in 1950 in the Institute of Histology at the University of Gutenberg in Switzerland.

Each piece of information requires a different type of protein. Just as man can accumulate different types of information that, when amalgamated, result in a large amount of knowledge (the quantity could be infinite if man were immortal) the ribonucleic and can also synthesize an infinite variety of proteins in which different types of information can be stored.

It has been calculated that an individuals can, during the course of his lifetime, store one thousand trillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) pieces of information. This figure, however, is significantly lower than the amount of electrical impulses that flow through the nervous system of a human being in the course of his lifetime. It is calculated that in the waking state, that is conscious, three million impulses are generated per second in the nervous system.

Research has demonstrated that the ribonucleic acid of the nerve cells increase considerably from the first three years of life up to forty years, from forty until fifty-five or sixty, the ribonucleic acid-remains constant and thereafter declines fairly rapidly. It has also been proven that the number of functioning nerve cells declines with age and that between the ages of thirty and ninety the volume of the brain is reduced approximately by ten percent.

Experiments performed with platyhelminthic worms called planaries have demonstrated that it is possible to transmit knowledge through biochemical processes. Philogenetically speaking, the planaries are extremely ancient (they existed on earth more than 600 million years ago during the paleozoic age), lacking a circulatory system and an intestine. They do, however, have a bilateral symmetry, a rudimentary and primitive nervous system with a head that governs the body. Planaries when split, can auto-regenerate the other half. The bottom half regenerates the head, and the head regenerates the bottom. When these animals are hungry they practice cannibalism. Certain planaries were trained to perform a specific task. They were taught through the use of lights and electrical charges to move toward the intersection of a T-shaped maze and to always take the same path. These planaries were sectioned and fed to other planaries who had not been trained. The results were surprising. These planaries were able to resolve the problem of the labyrinth in the same way as their predecessors. These experiments were initiated at the University of Texas in the United States of America by R. Thompson and J.V. McConnell, and were continued in the University of Michigan.

Planaries ingest food in the same way as amoebas do; therefore they do not destroy the ingested substances. This characteristic permits them to integrate large chains of proteins and cells directly into their tissues. Consequently the planaries used in the experiment were endowed with the same knowledge that had been registered in the proteins of the pieces of the planaries that had been eaten.

In people who have suffered dramatic loss of memory it has been possible to remedy the situation through intravenous administration of ribonucleic acid. The memory of twenty individuals (pre-senile, senile, atherosclerotic) was measured through the application of a series of tests. At the end of two weeks, ribonucleic acid was administered and they were examined with the same tests. All of them improved; those who improved most dramatically were the patients with atherosclerosis followed by the pre-senile group. The atherosclerotic patients also responded well to the oral administration of ribonucleic acid. In this case the dose was much higher and the treatment took place over a longer period of time. This treatment was performed by D. Ewen Cameron of the University of McGill in Canada.

A similar experiment was performed in the Heiner-Medin rehabilitation hospital in Budapest. Four five-year old children that paralyzed from polio, and with marked mental retardation, were treated with ribonucleic acid. On the fourth day of treatment, although muscular strength had not improved, the behavior of the children had. They were more active, more sociable, happier, and less taciturn; they even had a better appetite. However, when the treatment was suspended for two days they returned to their previous state. Finally, the intelligence quotient, rigorously determined at the beginning of the treatment, evinced a marked and progressive increase.


The prehistoric textile: Manto de Paracas, because of the fine material it is made of, the vibrant and lasting colors, and the delicacy of its design and detail, is obviously a work of sophisticated technology. The world does note spare them its astonishment and admiration. They have been found in the graves on the Paracas culture (Pre-Inca civilization). The fact that they were found in these places has caused people to believe that they were made by the men of this culture. It is also widely believed that the figures represented on them are intended to express in a stylized manner, and in some cases fantastically, scenes from the lives of these men.

However, it has not been realized that the figures on these capes (Mantos de Paracas) are not merely adornments and do not simply fulfill an aesthetic purpose, but rather that they are symbols that inform us about the genetic makeup of man, on two levels: the micro-physical level, and the macro-physical. The fact that they were found next to objects associated with the primitivism of the inhabitants of the tomb (such as thorns used as sewing needles, obsidian arrowheads, snail shell and bone necklaces, gourds, corn husks, and shards of ceramic pots - surprisingly, next to fine ceramics - etc) reveal an unequal level of technology which is sufficient to dismiss the notion that these prehistoric texture (Manto de Paracas) were made by this Pre-Incan civilization. It is not only the technology that was employed in making them, but also the profound scientific knowledge that is represented on them, that confirm the fact that they were made by an advanced civilization. The Manto de Paracas must have been handed down to the men of the Paracas culture through reproductions made by generations of humans that existed long before this Pre-Incan civilization and that possessed the technology necessary to produce the original prehistoric texture, those that were fabricated by gliptolithic humility with the purpose of transmitting messages.

The Manto de Paracas that I will analyze provides information about the alteration of a somatic characteristic; the elimination of the thumb order to predispose the individual genetically to attain a greater capacity for knowledge (40). The Manto de Paracas depicts a human figure whose head is surrounded by a blue halo (13 in Fig. 86). The individual is depicted standing on his head so that feet can be seen with five toes (15 in Fig. 86). It is observed that on each foot one of the toes has the shape of the thumb, a characteristic that I have interpreted indicates or emphasizes that the hands of this figure have no thumbs. The blue halo that surrounds the figure's stomach (the same color as the halo around the figure's head), an area in which the form of a fetus can be seen (1 in Fig. 86), reveals that the human figure is a pregnant woman. Above the woman's head there are some long ribbons that lead to spherical objects (5 and 9 in Fig. 86). In the first of these ribbons, four yellow figures can be discerned (the same color as the arm, legs, and feet of the woman). These round figures have dark centers and dark caps, and small white squares. They represent the process of ovulation, that is the process of the forming of the ovule. The first of these round figures (3 in Fig. 86) represents the embryonic cell that is found in the ovary. The following two figures are, respectively, the ovocite of the first order and the ovocite of the second order, evolutionary phases of the ovule. The last of these figures (4 in Fig. 86) is the fully formed ovule ready to mature. The spherical objects at the end of the ribbon (5 in Fig. 86) symbolically represents the vagina. The ribbon on the left contains four round figures with eyes, mouths, and with small bodies. These represent sperm in the process of formation. The first of these figures (6 in Fig. 86) represents the embryonic cell of the sperm in the testicle. The two following figures, respectively, represent the spermatocites of the first and second order, evolutionary forms of the sperm. The fourth figures (7 in Fig. 86) represents the immature sperm ready begin the process of maturation. The prolonged object at the end of this ribbon (9 in Fig. 86) symbolically represents the penis.

FIGURE 86: Manto de Paracas (Paracas Textile), whose figures represent symbolically the genetic elimination of the thumb,
so named sign of the animality. The symbols reveal the process of gestation of a boy who will come into the world with no
thumb. They also reveal that the gliptolithic humanity had a very remarkable knowledge of the man's genetic record.

On the right-hand side, three figures symbolizing spermatozoids appear. The one that is dark color (8 in Fig. 86) and that is connected to the torso of the woman is the one that has fertilized the ovum, and has formed the egg that can be seen inside the woman's body in the shape of a face (11 in Fig. 86). The notion that this figure is an egg, that is the fusion of the spermatozoid and the ovum, is symbolized in the dark color of the eyes (the color of the sperm) and by the blue around the mouth (the color that is found on the woman). The presence of the other two sperm (12 in Fig. 86) does not mean that they are from the same man that produced the dark sperm. Their presence is a symbol indicating that the fertilization has followed a genetic pre-selection of the fertilizing male in order to implant in the woman the genetic code that would allow the woman to bear a being with hands that lack thumbs. The dark color of the sperm can be observed in dark band in the hands of the woman (2 in Fig. 86) and also on her ankles. The lack of thumbs on the hands of the woman does not indicate that she really has this characteristic. The dark band that she has in her hands, a symbol of the sperm that has fertilized her, indicates that the man that implanted the genetic code that will allow him to bear a being without thumbs.

The figure with three kidneys (14 in Fig. 86) - that otherwise appears with the respective cortex, medulla, pelvis and uretere - is the symbol of the genetic modification that has taken three generations to make permanent and that, given that the kidney eliminates cells, if analyzed microscopically would evince a lack of the genetic characteristics in the chromosomes that determine the presence of the thumb.

The hand with five fingers in which the thumb is in the opposite position to the fingers, predisposes the individual to manual labor. It is the hand that most approximates the claw. Since what characterized the gliptolithic humanity was the development of the capacity to increase and conserve knowledge, I think that the information contained in this prehistoric textile (Manto de Paracas) indicates that the gliptolithic humanity had a profound knowledge of genetic codes, responsible for the somatic characteristics of an individual. They could thus modify the desired characteristics. Consequently it is possible that the acquisition of knowledge in this area may have permitted them to alter the genetic characteristics of the notharctus to raise him to the level of a man.

As concerns the elimination of the thumb, I think it is simply a symbol that emphasizes the goal of the gliptolithic humanity: to leave behind the condition of the animal, a condition in which one of the dominant characteristics is the clawed hand, the hand, that is, that leads man away from knowledge.

Thus, although I do not believe that the elimination of the thumb was the process which the gliptolithic men used to lift the notharctus to the level of man, I cannot discount the possibility that the gliptolithic men (come from the cosmos, and of whose physical appearance approximated that of the intelligent and scientific man created by them) had hands without thumbs and that, perhaps, they genetically eliminated the thumb of the intelligent and scientific man - the highest man in the cognitive hierarchy of man - with the purpose of raising his cognitive level to that of their own.



(40) The prehistoric textile: Mantos de Paracas were made in series of various specimens. The results of my investigations about the information contained in various series it will be given to you opportunely.