Prior to our trip we spent
many nights researching what sites to visit and preparing ourselves for what to expect
once we go there. The single most valuable item in this preparation was a CD-ROM by Sumeria Multimedia
titled "Exploring
the Lost Maya". For $49.95 plus postage this disc will provide you with a history
of the Maya, and info on virtually all the Mayan sites in Central America. You can click
on a map or an index to go to the chapter on any particular site, and it will present you
with modern photos of all the relevant buildings and features, vintage photos and drawings
by the first archaeologists there, travel tips, a site map, and for the larger sites,
360-degree panoramic videos from different locations with a zoom feature! I can't say
enough about this CD... if you're interested in Mayan ruins, you owe it to yourself to get
this title. It is the best multimedia CD-ROM I have ever seen.
(By the way, I have no stock in Sumeria, and receive no kickbacks or
other form of compensation from them. If I had any ulterior motives for trying to get
people to buy their products, it would be because I would like to see companies that put
out great products become successful. Hopefully that would lead to them putting out more
high quality products that I could use. :)
If you're listening, Sumeria, I would really like to see a similar disk on the ancient
Egyptian sites....and maybe even one on the ancient South American sites.)