Take a good
camera (35mm is fine) and optionally a camcorder. We took about 600 photos during our
trip, and about 12 hours of video footage. We also purchased 2 videos, the local site
guides, and plenty of postcards in case our pictures didn't turn out. Be aware that most
major sites charge an extra fee if you want to use your camcorder (they're afraid you're
going to make money by shooting a professional video, and they want a cut of the action).
The extra video fee is $5-$10 for a one-day permit slip. Once you buy the slip, keep it
handy. You may be asked to show it by more than one guard. If you take a tripod be
prepared to pay even more (a tripod only proves to them that you're making a professional
video). I also recommend bringing a cheap panorama camera. I bought a non-electric one on
sale for $5 that uses standard 35mm film but shoots it in panorama format. It was great
for those vast shots of ruins that won't fit in a normal frame. Another tip: respect the
privacy of the locals. Don't take pictures of the local people (especially the Indians)
without their permission. When in doubt, either ask or don't take the shot.