2. side view diagram (The angled cut downwards was made through 75 feet of solid limestone bedrock - what would justify such a massive effort to make this difficult cut downwards? And why then line the floor with massive granite blocks instead of using the stone that was already there? The granite floor blocks would weigh many dozens of tons each.)
3. two views of the downward cut
4. oval "sarcophagus" Who knows what the real purpose of this was?
5. diagram of the "sarcophagus" When found by archeologists, the chamber was still sealed, but empty.
6. view of the lid, and view looking up the cut
7. two views of the downward cut
8. angled photo view of the cut
10. block separated from the main floor
11. overhead excavation cables
12. scene from Land of the Pharoahs #1 This 1955 Hollywood movie filmed scenes here...
13. scene from Land of the Pharoahs #2
14. scene from Land of the Pharoahs #3
15. modern overhead view (Google Earth) A military complex was built around the site in the early 1960's, so it has been off limits to tourists and archeologists since then. The site is has been used as a trash pit, and the desert sands have filled it in, so this Google Earth photo shows that it is now fully buried. Even if you had permission to get into the military base, there would be nothing to see anymore. It would take a massive effort to remove all of the sand and trash to get back to the bottom again.
Again, one has to ask the questions: why was this site built? Why make such a difficult construction below ground, instead of the usual above ground structures? What is the purpose of the oval hole (with its lid), that seems to be a primary part of why the site even exists? Is the government trying to hide this site (by making it off limits, and then filling it in so it cannot even be observed from the air)? Is this in fact a megalithic site that pre-dates the ancient Egyptians?
above photos come from this source:
see also this video for more info: